NYPEN Webinar: Transactional Risk Insurance: The Basics and Current Trends

Invitation Link: https://cvent.me/Wm5EGo

The New York Private Equity Network ("NYPEN") and Marsh are pleased to invite you to a panel discussion on "Transactional Risk Insurance: The Basics and Current Trends" on Wednesday, October 9th.

Panel members from Marsh will discuss the basics of and current trends in the ever-evolving market for transactional risk insurance (including representations & warranties insurance, tax insurance, and contingent risk insurance).

Specifically, our panel will:
•    Discuss the basics of transactional risk insurance (R&W, tax, and contingent risk);
•    Provide an update on the state of the transactional risk insurance market;
•    Discuss how transactional risk insurance is impacting deal dynamics and transaction negotiations;
•    Discuss how tax insurance is used in a variety of non-M&A transactions;
•    Discuss important considerations when exploring contingent coverage; and
•    Share best practices from recent claims experiences with R&W insurance policies.

We will be hearing perspectives from:
•    Jon Lee, Senior Vice President, Transactional Risk, Marsh 
•    Patrick Browne, Senior Vice President, Marsh
•    Daniela Raz, Senior Vice President, Marsh
•    Luke Marcoux, Senior Vice President, Marsh